Saturday, June 26, 2010

Christ to the World by Radio

Since 1945, our motto has always been “Christ to the World by Radio.”
In this rapidly changing world, with technologies developing in leaps and bounds, the era moves from ‘wired’ to ‘wireless,’ from radio broadcast to television. In this scenario, doubters have asked, “Is there a future for radio broadcast?” Although such a mindset has been around for decades, radio broadcasting is still undoubtedly fascinating and irresistible.
Thousands of people are on the road everyday and they still make it a habit to tune in to their radios so contrary to what some may say, radio steadfastly refuses to be a relic from the past.
We however believe that we must make use of new technologies to bring the gospel of Christ to the greater majority. The webcast being one of these mediums, we have set up this web site to complement our traditional radio broadcast to continue to bring “Christ to the world by radio.”

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